Moved to a New Location

Medicare recipients who have moved to a new location qualify to add, drop, or change their Medicare Advantage and/or Prescription Drug plan(s) through the Special Election Period (SEP).

I moved to a new address that isn't in my plan's service area.

What can I do?

Switch to a new Medicare Advantage Plan or Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.

When can I do this?

If you tell your plan before you move, your chance to switch plans begins the month before the month you move and continues for 2 full months after you move.

If you tell your plan after you move, your chance to switch plans begins the month you tell your plan, plus 2 more full months.

I moved to a new address that’s still in my plan's service area, but I have a new plan options in my new location.

What can I do?

Switch to a new Medicare Advantage Plan or Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.

When can I do this?

If you tell your plan before you move, your chance to switch plans begins the month before the month you move and continues for 2 full months after you move.

If you tell your plan after you move, your chance to switch plans begins the month you tell your plan, plus 2 more full months.

I moved back to the U.S. after living outside the country.

What can I do?

Join a Medicare Advantage Plan or Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.

When can I do this?

Your chance to join lasts for 2 full months after the month you move back to the U.S.

I just moved into, currently live in, or just moved out of an institution (like a skilled nursing facility or long-term care hospital).

What can I do?
  1. Join a Medicare Advantage Plan or Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.
  2. Switch from your current plan to another Medicare Advantage Plan or Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.
  3. Drop your Medicare Advantage Plan and return to Original Medicare .
  4. Drop your Medicare prescription drug coverage.
When can I do this?

Your chance to join, switch, or drop coverage lasts as long as you live in the institution and for 2 full months after the month you leave the institution.

I'm released from jail.

What can I do?

Join a Medicare Advantage Plan or Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.

When can I do this?

Your chance to join lasts for 2 full months after the month you're released from jail.

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent 10 organizations that offer 115 products in your area.
Please contact, 1–800–MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program to get information on all of your options.